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  • "Being grateful is the easiest way to reprogram your brain" Daniella Cano Entrepreneur
  • "Our communication is EVERYTHING" Daniella Cano Business and marketing
  • "Whether we are aware or not, we are deciding all the time where to invest our most precious assets, our time and energy" Daniella Cano Women Health
  • "There is nothing more powerful for our personal development than: I just realized" Daniella Cano El Heraldo de Mexico
  • "Throughout your life you will touch the life of 10,000 without purpose, Imagine if you start doing it so with one, leaving the people better that you just met them" Daniella Cano MSN
  • "Many people come to me to become a better parent, leader, earn more money, but the key achieve more in your life is to stop training to change the others and start changing yourself" Daniella Cano The economist